UltraRedLight 4 Oceans

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I am raising funds to clean the oceans

Welcome to my page!  

I set up this fundraiser because I find it important to support organizations like The Ocean Cleanup, to get a cleaner and healthier ocean for all! The Ocean Cleanup’s mission is to remove 90% of floating ocean plastic by 2040.  

Would you kindly consider making any donation you can to support my fundraiser? Please tell your family and friends about my campaign. I would really appreciate it if you could help me get the word out. The impact increases with the number of people who are aware. 

Thank you in advance for your generosity; it means a lot! 


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My Updates

The Ocean Clean Up

Wednesday 10th Apr
I am amazed at the ingenuity and the effort that goes into cleaning up the oceans from The Ocean Clean Up's specially designed trash interceptors. It is horrendous to see the amount of trash and plastic that fish and mammals and plants in the ocean are up against. The Great Pacific garbage patch is disgusting and is a result of us humans and overconsumption, with a ridiculous amount of plastic use. Citizens of the world need to do better and respect mother Earth. It is entirely disrespectful to have this amount of trash, fishing equipment, manufacturing equipment, industrial supplies, packaging, beverages, etc pile up or get washed into the ocean from runoff, rivers, and streams. 

I am horrified to even think of the concept that people still litter in this day and age. Facts are the facts, and we should be ashamed of ourselves. All throughout the food chain, there is evidence of plastic being eaten unintentionally. Plastic has been found in placentas of women after their babies are being born, plastic is found in the sperm of men. When is enough consumption enough? 

I am forever grateful for the ocean cleanup and what they have been doing to mitigate the damages that we have all caused collectively as human beings over time.  

Thank you to my Sponsors


Brooke Luciano

We love the oceans and all of its inhabitants. Thank you for doing the incredible life changing work!!

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