Of fundraising target reached
I am raising funds to clean the oceans!
Welcome to my page!
I set up this fundraiser because I find it important to support organizations like The Ocean Cleanup, to get a cleaner and healthier ocean for all! The Ocean Cleanup’s mission is to remove 90% of floating ocean plastic by 2040.
Would you kindly consider making any donation you can to support my fundraiser? Please tell your family and friends about my campaign. I would really appreciate it if you could help me get the word out. The impact increases with the number of people who are aware.
Thank you in advance for your generosity; it means a lot!
Personalized my page
Made a self donation
Shared my profile
Received my first donation
Reached 25% of my fundraising goal
Reached 50% of my fundraising goal
Reached 75% of my fundraising goal
Increased fundraising goal over 200
Reached my fundraising goal
Thanked my donors
Created a team
Thank you to my Sponsors
Marcia Tysseling
Debbie Harding
Happy Birthday you are a star! So proud of you - what a wonderful thing to do sweetheart. My love & kisses to you X
Devinder Chauhan
Wish you a very happy birthday Keith. I hope you never stop caring for the world around you and in return may the world be your oyster. Lot's of ❤️ and good wishes. Love, Babboo Dadu & Yezad
Tally Delmore
Go, Keith! I/we totally support ocean clean-up!
Steven Rubin
Happy birthday Keith. Come see the Ocean Cleanup ships in Victoria soon!
Jessie Delmore
Happy Birthday!
Shaurya Singh
Happy Birthday Keith !
Uday Singh
Bobbi Isaac
Happy birthday, Keith! Well done working towards a great cause!
Happy birthday Keith
Myron Ronay
Happy Birthday Keith! Looking forward to seeing you this summer!
Rupert Day
Very impressive, Keith!

Bryan Grant
Brilliant! Please accept this donation for your future needs. ;)
Kate Bayliss
Happy birthday Keith! From Henry
Happy Birthday Keith... great initiative. Good luck!
Happy Birthday, Keith! Keep up the good work…we need more people like you in this world! I hope to meet you one day when you come visiting your cousin Felix. 💜