Jojo’s Ocean Clean Up

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I am raising funds to clean the oceans!

 Welcome to my page!  

I set up this fundraiser because I find it important to support organizations like The Ocean Cleanup, to get a cleaner and healthier ocean for all! The Ocean Cleanup’s mission is to remove 90% of floating ocean plastic by 2040.  

Would you kindly consider making any donation you can to support my fundraiser? Please tell your family and friends about my campaign. I would really appreciate it if you could help me get the word out. The impact increases with the number of people who are aware. 

Thank you in advance for your generosity; it means a lot! 


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Meet Jojo

Saturday 6th Jul
For those who haven't met Jojo before, he's pretty special, and I'm not just saying that because I'm his Mum!
We adopted Jojo as a baby, and he struggles with trauma, ADHD and Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder from being exposed to alcohol and drugs in the womb. He's also on the pathway for an autism diagnosis. 
When Jojo was 6, and after many years of awful bowel problems, the decision was made to give him a colostomy. We prepared him well, and asked him what the one thing he wanted to do before going in for surgery was, he replied "I want to save the ocean!". 
Unfortunately, he had every complication going and ended up having a few emergency surgeries and his large bowel removed and an ileostomy formed. Things were pretty critical for a while.
3.5 years on, he is so much better physically. He eats a little bit orally and we're used to his stoma. He says that "superheroes poo from their tummies instead of their bums" and we think he's right.
He's continued to raise money for various ocean charities ever since, and has raised over £4k now. He was also named Young Ocean Optimist of the Year by the Marine Conservation Society in 2022, but Jojo doesn't really understand any of that.....he just wants to save the ocean. 
Will you join him?